CLL2E Trial

Title Efficacy of bendamustine in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a phase I/II study of the German CLL Study Group
Protocol IDs ---
Participating Countries Germany
Status completed
Design Prospective, open-label, oligocentric phase I/II trial
Primary Endpoint(s) DLT, MTD
Secondary Endpoint(s) Response rate (PR +CR)
Study Population B-CLL, Binet-Stage C or B, refractory or relapsed
at least one prior therapy (CLB or F)
Age ≥ 18 years
Treatment Bendamustin (100/90/80/70 mg/m2/d; d1-2)/dose escalation
q21d; min. 3, max. 6 cycles
Patients recruited 16 patients, 10 patients evaluable
Time schedule Recruitment period: 30.10.2000 - 15.11.2001
End of study: Mar 2002
Clinical Study Report / Publication: Oct 2005
End of archiving period: Mar 2012
Sponsor Ribosepharm GmbH
Principal investigator(s) Prof. M. Hallek, University of Cologne
Prof. B. Emmerich, University of Munich (LMU)
Publication(s) Bergmann MA, Goebeler ME, Herold M, Emmerich B, Wilhelm M, Ruelfs C, Boening L, Hallek MJ; German CLL Study Group
Efficacy of bendamustine in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of a phase I/II study of the German CLL Study Group
Haematologica. 2005 Oct;90(10):1357-64